#RowersWakeUpEarly Photo Contest: The 20 Finalists and Overall Winner Announced

#rowerswakeupearly Instagram contest
Thanks to everyone who submitted photos to our Instagram contest! We were blown away by the quality of the submissions from all over the world, and we struggled to narrow them down to a final 20, with our overall winner to become the RR Facebook cover photo for the month of April. Selection criteria included overall composition and image quality (resolution). And so, without further ado, the finalists are...

20. @yoro_photos

1 week till we fly ✈️#rowerswakeupearly

A photo posted by Col Col Mafia (@yoro_photos) on

19. Tony Rush

A photo posted by Tony Rush (@mr_rushy) on

18. Lynn Hancock

A photo posted by Lynn Hancock (@eduoarswoman) on

17. @fleurspriggs

16. Shane O'Connell

A photo posted by Shane O Connell (@shaneoconnell13) on

15. Marquette Crew

A photo posted by Marquette Crew (@marquettecrew) on

14. Trevor Gage

A photo posted by Trevor Gage (@finmacool) on

13. @emmamcc

12. Monica Hakun

A photo posted by Monica Hakun (@monicahakun) on

11. Jamie Mckenzie

A photo posted by Jamie Mckenzie (@jamiemckenzie4) on

10. Ashley Allison

9. Callum Gilmour

A photo posted by Callum Gilmour (@callum.gilmour) on

8. @somniare

A photo posted by Liz (@somniare_) on

7. Caroline Davis

A photo posted by Caroline Davis (@caroline_davis_85) on

6. Leah Griffin

5. Pacific Rowing Club

A photo posted by Pacific Rowing Club VM (@pacific_varsitymen) on

4. Third Runner Up: Jacksonville Men's Rowing

A photo posted by @jumensrowing on

3. Second Runner Up: Mel Webb

A photo posted by Mel Webb (@melwwebb) on

2. First Runner Up: Stanford Lightweight Crew

A photo posted by Stanford Lightweight Crew (@stanfordlwtcrew) on

1. Overall Winner: Scott Del Vecchio

Congrats to all the finalists, and thank you so much for all your submissions! This was the toughest contest yet for us to judge—there are some very fine rowing photographers out there—and we feel lucky to get a chance to enjoy your work. Stay tuned for more Instagram contests in the near future, and in the meantime, we recommend taking a look through the hashtag #rowerswakeupearly—you'll see why we had such a difficult time narrowing it down!


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