Video Of The Week: 'Succession' with the Swiss Men's Quad

This week's video comes to us from the Swiss national team, and features their heavyweight men's quad that defended their U23 world title last summer, and (with two switches—Nico Stahlberg and David Arreger in for U23 athletes Damien Tollardo and Barnabe Delarze) went on to place sixth overall at the 2014 World Rowing Championships in Amsterdam. Not only are these guys slick on the water, but check out this balance training that Delarze is doing at 3:49—who says you can't work on boat stability on land? The video is nicely shot and features a number of (subtitled) interviews for those unfamiliar with Swiss French, as well as a great deal of off the water banter. Also, it offers access to their race planning session, and the calls that will be made as they move down the course—always of interest to athletes and coaches.

Thanks very much to Hugues for submitting the video! Have a submission for 'Video Of The Week?' Shoot us an email at rowingrelated [at] gmail [dot] com, send us your suggestions via Twitter, or get in touch via our Facebook or Google+ pages.


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