RR Olympics Blog: Travel and Arrival in London

After a hectic 24 hours, I've arrived safely in London and have set up in Barnes, where I'll be staying for the duration of the trip (which will mean heading out to Eton on the train each day for the rowing events at Dorney Lake). It's fantastic being back in town–having lived in London from 2007-2008, this is a chance to visit friends and old haunts, as well as experience something entirely new. There is evidence of the Games throughout the city, as you might expect, with many of the main streets decorated with banners, sidewalk (pavement) art, and shop owners doing all they can (given the strict enforcement of the London 2012 trademark/branding from LOCOG) to celebrate the Olympics with window displays and posters.

Of note: Heathrow wasn't crowded when I arrived–not even a long queue for customs–and the number of London 2012 employees on hand was impressive. The trip into town went much more smoothly than it might have had I been on an official Olympics bus–real journos ride the Picadilly Line. Also, while this has been one of the rainiest summers on record in England, the weather has turned over the past week. When I hiked up out of the Underground at Mansion House yesterday afternoon, it was roughly 80 degrees in Central London, with blue skies overhead–rumor is that the weather will return to old habits during the Games, but it has been beautiful for the last several days.

Keep an eye on RowingNews.com for daily updates and photos from Eton, with the racing kicking off on Saturday morning. More to come from London!


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