Friday-Edition Video Of The Week: Introduction to Rowing at Rose City Rowing Club

This week's video comes to us from Portland, and is a very nicely put together general introduction to the sport of rowing, as well as to Rose City Rowing Club. A mixture of on-the-water training footage and interviews with athletes and coaches, it paints an accurate picture not just of the experience of rowing in Portland, but also the reasons why all of us get up early in the morning, and row until our hands bleed. Among those interviewed is Stanford frosh phenom Ruth Narode, who finished second after an epic sprint in the junior women's open event at Crash-Bs in 2012, and who is coming off a gold-medal performance at U23 worlds with the U.S. women's eight last summer in Austria. Narode was awarded our prestigious RoRy for Female Athlete of the Year at the junior level in 2012.

Thanks very much to Chris for sending along the video! Have a submission for 'Video Of The Week?' Shoot us an email at rowingrelated [at] gmail [dot] com, send us your suggestions via Twitter, or get in touch via our Facebook or Google+ pages.


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