Rowing Video Of The Week: Northern Lights

The Canadian lightweight men's four, training video (Screen capture)

This week's featured video comes to us from the Canadian national team, and offers two minutes of pure rowing zen.

The Canadian lightweight four of Maxwell Lattimer, Brendan Hodge, Nicolas Pratt, and Eric Woelfl, here shown moving efficiently and effectively on some of the glassiest water you'll ever see, is coming off a 2015 campaign that saw them successfully qualify for the Rio Olympics, with an 11th place finish at the world championships in Aiguebelette. And now, they're cruising into winter training.

The simplicity of the video, following alongside the crew and then trailing them across the lake, also makes it an excellent coaching tool. Plus, isn't that the theme from Friday Night Lights? (Answer: Yes, almost.) Well done, lads.

Like their Northern counterparts, the U.S. lightweight men's four also qualified in Aiguebelette, winning the B Final to place seventh overall (as usual, the first five crews in this event were separated by roughly a length coming through the finish). This year, the Swiss won the world title, just ahead of the Danes and the French—but given the parity in men's lightweight rowing and the build up to an Olympic season, picking favorites will be a tall task in 2016. Don't worry though—we're going to give it a go, anyway.

In other Rowing Canada news, a number of Canadian athletes recently visited the 2016 Olympic course in Rio de Janeiro, including Conlin McCabe (he of the 5:39 2k—read his guide for approaching 2k testing here), and Will Crothers, who posted the below to Instagram.

Have a submission for 'Video Of The Week?' Shoot us an email, send us your suggestions via Twitter, or get in touch via our Facebook or Google+ pages.


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